Reference Manuals


Canvas — Resize the image canvas

Canvas is part of the Gallery package.


class Canvas implements Transform {
        private        array               $color
        private        int                 $height
        private        int                 $offset_x
        private        int                 $offset_y
        private        int                 $width

        public         Canvas              __construct               ( int $width,
                                                                       int $height,
                                                                       int $offset_x,
                                                                       int $offset_y,
                                                                       array $color );
        public         resource            apply                     ( resource $image,
                                                                        &$image );

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

Canvas implements Transform


Resize the image canvas

Attribute Details


private        array          $color

An array of three elements for the color in RGB

Default value: empty string


private        int            $height

The height of the new image canvas

Default value: empty string


private        int            $offset_x

The X offset of the original image

Default value: empty string


private        int            $offset_y

The Y offset of the original image

Default value: empty string


private        int            $width

The width of the new image canvas

Default value: empty string

Method Details


public         Canvas         __construct               ( int $width,
                                                          int $height,
                                                          int $offset_x,
                                                          int $offset_y,
                                                          array $color );

Create a new Canvas object

To center the image on the new canvas, pass NULL to the $offset_x and/or $offset_y. Offsets can also be negative.

The width of the new canvas
The height of the new canvas
X offset of the original image on the canvas
Y offset of the original image on the canvas
An array containing 3 integer elements representing the color in RGB


public         resource       apply                     ( resource $image,
                                                           &$image );

Put the image on the new canvas
