Reference Manuals


AddText — Add TTF text to an image

AddText is part of the Gallery package.


class AddText implements Transform {
        private        array               $color
        private        string              $font
        private        int                 $hpos
        private        float               $size
        private        string              $text
        private        int                 $vpos

        public         AddText             __construct               ( string $text,
                                                                       int $vpos,
                                                                       int $hpos,
                                                                       string $font,
                                                                       float $size,
                                                                       array $color );
        public         resource            apply                     ( resource $image,
                                                                        &$image );

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

AddText implements Transform


Add TTF text to an image

Attribute Details


private        array          $color

An array of three elements for the color in RGB

Default value: empty string


private        string         $font

Path to the TTF file. See the description on the fontile variable on

Default value: empty string


private        int            $hpos

The horizontal position of the text. Must be one of WG_LEFT, WG_CENTER or WG_RIGHT

Default value: empty string


private        float          $size

The size of the font in pt

Default value: empty string


private        string         $text

The text to render

Default value: empty string


private        int            $vpos

The vertical position of the text. Must be one of WG_TOP, WG_CENTER or WG_BOTTOM

Default value: empty string

Method Details


public         AddText        __construct               ( string $text,
                                                          int $vpos,
                                                          int $hpos,
                                                          string $font,
                                                          float $size,
                                                          array $color );

Create and initialize the AddText transform

The vpos variable should be one of WG_TOP, WG_CENTER or WG_BOTTOM. The hpos variable should be one of WG_LEFT, WG_CENTER or WG_RIGHT. For the correct specification of the font attribute, see the PHP documentation on imagettftext on the fontfile variable at

The text to render
The vertical position of the text
The horizontal position of the text
Path to a TTF font file
Size of the font in pt
An array containing 3 integer elements representing the color in RGB


public         resource       apply                     ( resource $image,
                                                           &$image );

Add the text to the image
