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Archives for September 2007

Gnome Hearts 0.2 Release Announcement

by Sander Marechal

We are happy to announce the immediate release of gnome-hearts version 0.2. In this release the AI engines have been ported from Lua to Python and the C code has been significantly cleaned up. It also adds many new translations (British English, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Malayalam, Russian and Tagalog) and updates all the other languages. The most user-visible change is the addition of the "shooting the sun" rule to the game.

You can download gnome-hearts 0.2 from our download page. The online user documentation and developer guidelines (for those who wish to write new computer opponents) has been updated as well.

About Gnome Hearts

Gnome Hearts is an implementation of the classic hearts card game for the GNOME desktop, featuring configurable rule sets and editable computer opponents to satisfy widely diverging playing styles. Gnome Hearts is Free Software, released under the GNU General Public License and should be able to run on any computer that can run the GNOME desktop or has the GNOME libraries installed.


It's official: ATI Radeon drivers to be open sourced

It's tuning out to be a great week. First OOXML defeated (for a few months) and now this:

AMD briefed this morning on a pending announcement regarding the open sourcing of drivers for ATI graphics cards. It's official -- AMD will make code and specifications for ATI graphics cards available on the Internet on September 10.

On the issue of maintainership, Schlaeger says, "We want to enable the open source community to carry the development forward. We won't let them alone. It's not something that we dump a bit of code, a bit of spec, and say, 'This is it. You asked for it, you have it. Feel free, and have fun.'" He noted that the company took a similar approach on the Linux port of Opteron.

My math-fu tells me OOXML has not passed JTC-1

by Sander Marechal

Updated on 2007-09-05@17:39. If my math-fu is anything to go by, it looks like Microsoft's Office Open XML will not become an ISO standard today. Various websites around the world are all busy tallying the votes as the news is dripping in. If their tally is correct then OOXML has been turned down by a very narrow margin. OOXML needed 2/3 of the P members to vote "yes", after subtracting abstains. With 5 abstains out of 41 P members, that means 24 "yes" votes. With 13 "no" votes already cast that means only 23 possible "yes" votes remain. Talk about a narrow margin.

Update: It's official! ISO has now officially stated that OOXML has failed.

A ballot on whether to publish the draft standard ISO/IEC DIS 29500, Information technology – Office Open XML file formats, as an International Standard by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) has not achieved the required number of votes for approval.

Approval requires at least 2/3 (i.e. 66.66 %) of the votes cast by national bodies participating in ISO/IEC JTC 1 to be positive; and no more than 1/4 (i.e. 25 %) of the total number of national body votes cast negative. Neither of these criteria were achieved, with 53 % of votes cast by national bodies participating in ISO/IEC JTC 1 being positive and 26 % of national votes cast being negative.

This article was originally posted on LXer Linux News

Gnome hearts 0.2 will arrive next week

by Sander Marechal

I am finally getting around to releasing the next version of Gnome hearts: version 0.2. There won't be a lot of user visible changes, but on the back end virtually nothing has stayed the same. The player AI scrip engine has been ported from Lua to Python and the C code has had a big overhaul. I plan to release gnome-hearts 0.2 in the upcoming weekend of 8-9 September.

I am looking for people to help me test and translate the game before it's released. There are 14 changed strings in the game itself and another 23 changed strings in the documentation. If you're interested in helping out, please visit Launchpad translations. Next weekend I will download all the .po files from Launchpad and include all translations that are at least 50-60% done in the final release tarball.

I am also looking for people to test the build and the game itself. The 0.1 release branch had a couple of build issues which were mainly caused by the incompatible way that various Linux distributions package Lua (combined with Lua's lack of backwards compatibility). With Python replacing Lua these issues should be gone, but I'd like to test it on as many different distributions as I can. So far I know that it builds and runs well on Debian, Ubuntu and Gentoo. You can download the latest nightly snapshot or checkout the trunk from our subversion repository. Build instructions can be found in the gnome-hearts developer guidelines. If you find any bugs, please file them in our Bugzilla.

Thanks in advanvce!

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Archives for September 2007